Jono Anzalone, Vice President, International Services, American Red Cross

Podcast Episode 04: The Evolving Roles of NGOs in Preparedness and Response with Jono Anzalone: Join us as we explore the evolving role of non-governmental organizations in disaster response with Jono Anzalone, Vice President for International Services at the American Red Cross. He shares his first-hand leadership experiences in both domestic and international response efforts. Anzalone is an alumnus of the National Preparedness Leadership Initiative and was the recipient of our 2017 Meta-Leader of the Year Award.
Your Leader ReadyCast Host: Eric J. McNulty is the Associate Director of the National Preparedness Leadership Initiative. He researches, writes about, and teaches leadership, crisis leadership, conflict resolution, and negotiation in graduate and executive education at Harvard and other institutions. He is a regular speaker at conferences and corporate events. McNulty is co-author of You’re It: Crisis, Change and How to Lead When it Matters Most, Renegotiating Healthcare: Resolving Conflict to Build Collaboration, and author of numerous articles. He is a contributing editor to strategy+business magazine and past contributing editor at Harvard Business Publishing. McNulty holds a B.A. in Economics from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and an M.A. in Leadership from Lesley University.